The future
When Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, who would have imagined there would be a roadster orbiting live just 50 years later? And a decade ago, nobody would have believed a single cellphone could handle almost all of our daily business. Each new technology wave or social movement dramatically shapes the way we live and think.
However, before the next wave arrives, every attempt at invention is like Schrödinger’s cat. No outcome is guaranteed until it has been validated by time and the market.

Moreover, 2020 has magnified uncertainty and shown how life is unpredictable.
We might cannot change much as individuals. Yet, the least we could do is to hold onto what we believe, explore what we can, then wait very patiently, till the world is open again, till the next wave comes.

Back to the origin, to explore in the uncertainty is the reason we started this company.
Welcome to join this journey.