We always want KIWEE bags to stay CLEAN.

If a feature of a part is not that necessary to be exposed on the exterior of the bag, we either delete it or put it inside. This is a technique we got inspired a lot from ancient Chinese painting, called Negative Space. It’s actually how much blank you leave on the paper, to make the painting aesthetically clean and balanced.

We apply the same concept to our bags, not piling up too much feature on the exterior of the bags.


Besides aesthetic principle, we always keep another thing in mind when we design KIWEE products and that is fast adaption.
We, as humankind, are not single-threaded species.  Besides daily routine works, we also have wonderful things to pursuit, catching up with friends in bars, exploring the city, going for a weekend hike, etc. Thus all KIWEE bags are designed to help you fitting into different roles in multiples occasions.

For example, our Strap system is designed to be fastened in multiple combinations, so that you can hike/ride/walk in a more comfortable way.

Another example would be, many of our bags can either be detached or transformed in size and weight. We believe adaptation means bearing less, literarily, when you are aiming for a new aim.

Adaption design in bag system helps ourselves use less bag to jump into personal lives smoothly. Hope it benefits you as well.


Researching emerging materials and techniques is our playground, the fun part of this business.

Though Bag business is quite conventional, we are keen to spend abundant time every year on digging out new fabric, new components and sewing techniques. To apply them on our bags is another story, not an easy one. It requires a balance of production stability, cost, development time, etc.

But still, you are expected to see interesting and emerging new things being applied on new collections. And hope you love them as well.